Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The EU Gets to Know Staffing 360 Solutions (STAF)

If you've been eyeing Staffing 360 Solutions Inc. (OTCBB:STAF) as a potential investment and also happen in to live in - or currently be in - Europe, here's your chance to learn more about the company. STAF is proverbially takin' it to the streets in the EU this week, telling current and would-be investors more about itself. Belgium, the UK, and Switzerland are just a few stops the company's management team will be making to help get the word out.

If you're not familiar with the company and are looking for U.S.-based opportunities, Staffing 360 Solutions is one worth a look. The organization is acquiring its way to size and scale within the staffing agency world. It's already on pace to generate more than $100 million in sales (up from a pace of less than $8 million just a couple of quarters ago), and by the end of 2015 the company thinks it's going to be driving revenue at a pace of more than $300 million per year. At that size and scale STAF will most definitely realize cost savings, and will be able to apply some leverage as it approaches new clients.

That's not the highly-compelling aspect of the STAF story, however. What makes Staffing 360 Solutions Inc. here is that it's focusing its growth on the IT sliver of the staffing arena, and the cybersecurity arena in particular.

As yours truly pointed out yesterday, the cost of cybercrime has officially reached ridiculous proportions. The annual global cost of cybercrime is now estimated to be between $400 billion and $500 billion. Companies large and small are going to have to start spending to protect themselves and their customers. Problem #1: The solution to the cybersecurity problem isn't just a matter of buying some software. It's going to take skilled, experienced people - armies of them - to equip all organizations to fend off hackers and digital thieves. Problem #2: We don't have enough of those people as it is, so finding any of them at all is going to be a challenge, and even then there's no unified, one-stop solution available to build a team (temporary or permanent) that can become a cybersecurity solution. That is, there wasn't a unified, complete solution until now - Staffing 360 Solutions is that solution by virtue of its specialization in the IT and cybersecurity staffing field.

In any case, if you really want to know the nitty-gritty details about this budding opportunity and you happen to be in Europe this week, you might have a chance at getting to meet and talk to the company's top management. Send an e-mail to to learn more about the tour schedule. 

Investors interested in learning more about Staffing 360 Solutions can visit the company's website here. It's got several investor-centric publications available.

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