Monday, March 3, 2014

Some Greenbacks for Investors in These Green Small Caps? VIIC, OGNG & KGET

Small cap green stocks Vision Industries Corp (OTCMKTS: VIIC), Bravo Enterprises Ltd (OTCMKTS: OGNG) and Kleangas Energy Technologies Inc (OTCMKTS: KGET) have reported recent news and/or they are being promoted. Of course, it goes without saying that small cap green stocks tend to be more volatile that other types of investments. So will investors and traders alike see some greenbacks from these green stocks? Here is a quick reality check:

Vision Industries Corp (OTCMKTS: VIIC) Recently Retracted a Press Release About Anticipated Profitability

Small cap Vision Industries Corp is a developer of zero emission electric/hydrogen hybrid powered vehicles and turnkey hydrogen fueling systems. On Friday, Vision Industries Corp closed at $0.06 for a market cap of $5.11 million plus VIIC is down 7.7% over the past year and down 97.6% over the past five years according to Google Finance.


What's the Catch With Vision Industries Corp? According to various disclosures, one promoter has received $5k and 200,000 restricted shares from the company for recommendations made in reference to the products or services on its website or page. Aside from the usual filings, Vision Industries Corp has been fairly quiet when it comes to news as the latest press release dates from February 11th about a decision to renew the executive employment contract with Martin Schuermann to continue serving as CEO for 3 years while before Christmas, the company issued a retraction of its November 13, 2013 press release regarding its anticipated profitability in 2014 as it seeks a "consensus concerning the accounting treatment of the Federal cost-share grants." A quick look at Vision Industries Corp's financials reveals no revenues; net losses of $1,597k (most recent reported quarter), $1,385k, $1,153k and $1,146k for the past four reported quarters; and $46k in cash to cover $1,921k in current liabilities and $972k in long term debt. Given those financials and whatever the retracted press release (that's no longer accessible on the Yahoo! Finance newsfeed) had said, investors might want to wait for more concrete financials to appear.

Bravo Enterprises Ltd (OTCMKTS: OGNG) Reports "Tremendous Interest"

Small cap Bravo Enterprises Ltd is a manufacturer and distributor of atmospheric water harvesting machines for the production of clean, safe drinking water for human consumption. On Friday, Bravo Enterprises Ltd rose 5.88% to $0.090 for a market cap of $13.71 million plus OGNG is down 55% over the past year and down 50.3% over the past five years according to Google Finance.


What's the Catch With Bravo Enterprises Ltd? According to various disclosures, transactions of $5k, $10k, $20k and $25k have or will occur to mention Bravo Enterprises Ltd in various investment newsletters. Last Monday, Bravo Enterprises Ltd issued a press release to say that there has been "tremendous interest" in the Company's air-to-water machines from potential distributors as well as consumers from the middle east region of the world while in mid-February, the company issued a press release to say that its been expanding its direct to consumer sales channels via E-commerce. On February 21st, there was an 8-K filing noting that Bravo Enterprises Ltd had signed an exclusive license agreement with Water For The World Manufacturing Inc with respect to its commercial atmospheric water harvester system in November of 2012 where the company had the exclusive manufacturing, distribution and marketing rights for the Water Harvesting Equipment for a period of 9 years which was renewable for an additional 9 years. However, the filing disclosed:

Pursuant to Clause 10.00 - "Termination" and more specifically clauses 10.01.01 regarding breaching terms or conditions of the agreement and 10.02 regarding mutual termination by both parties, the Licensor formally terminated the agreement on February 14, 2014 and the Registrant ("Licensee") formally accepted the termination on February 14, 2014 with a letter dated on February 20, 2014 with certain provisions. There were no termination penalties incurred by the Registrant.

The filing also noted:

In consideration for the goodwill generated during the period of the exclusive license agreement between Water For The World Manufacturing Inc. and Bravo Enterprises Ltd., certain private transactions involving the beneficial owners of some of the 120,000,000 restricted common shares issued will be honored. These private transactions transpired prior to the cancellation of the above mentioned exclusive license agreement. Bravo Enterprises Ltd in the process of determining the exact amount of shares being honored due to the goodwill and the agreed amount will be reflected in the annual financial statements currently being audited.

A quick look at Bravo Enterprises Ltd's financials reveals revenues of $4k (most recent reported quarter), $1k, $4k and $3k for the past four reported quarters along with net losses of $86k (most recent reported quarter), $81k, $179k and $177k. At the end of last September, Bravo Enterprises Ltd had $1k in cash to cover $522k in current liabilities. Given the recent filing (and the sort of unclear explanation in it), investors might want to wait for more financials and more news to appear explaining what had occurred.

Kleangas Energy Technologies Inc (OTCMKTS: KGET)Recently Announced a Big Order From Korea

Small cap Kleangas Energy Technologies is a company dedicated to producing alternative clean technologies and products that promote energy efficiency throughout a wide range of applications. On Friday, Kleangas Energy Technologies fell 2.58% to $0.0151 for a market cap of $36.60 million plus KGET is down 84.9% since last July according to Google Finance.


What's the Catch With Kleangas Energy Technologies? According to various disclosures, no transactions have occurred to mention Kleangas Energy Technologies in various investment newsletters. However, Kleangas Energy Technologies has been featured three weeks in a row on MoneyTV with Donald Baillargeon as there have been press releases on the last three Fridays mentioning appearances by company reps on the show. Last Friday, Kleangas Energy Technologies reported that a shipment of hemp will be delivered to its testing plant on Monday March 3, 2014 and that this industrial hemp will be dried and converted into pellets similar to wood and RDF pellets. The press release noted that the hemp product is very attractive because it can be converted into a usable product alternative to the wood pellets at a production cost of 30% to 40% less. Earlier in February, Kleangas Energy Technologies announced it had received and accepted another order for 5,000 Metric Tons of pellets to be delivered per month to South Korea over a 12 month period with the order representing a minimum of over $800,000 per month of income or a total value of over $10,000,000 for the next 12 months. That would be very good news as a quick look on Google Finance at Kleangas Energy Technologies' financials reveals no revenues; net losses of $0.04M (most recent reported quarter), $0.04M, $0.03M and $0.04M for the past four quarters; and no cash to cover $0.47M in current liabilities at the end of last September. So perhaps investors should wait for more financials to appear that show the hemp and Korean pellet deals are actually paying off for the company at both the top and bottom lines.

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