Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Getting Girls to Like You

There are tried and tested ways of how to get girls to like you, but in most instances, you just cannot get the outcome that you want every time you try. Maybe it has something to do with the way you look. Perhaps it has something to do with the way you carry yourself. Whatever the reason for your failure may be, this article can help you put things in order so that you can make yourself appealing to the girls. Thus, use the following tips wisely and you will eventually succeed in the end.

The first tip on how to get girls to like you is to pay attention to your physical appearance through wearing the right clothes. Though this tip seems overly simple, it actually does the trick, most especially if the guy is not blessed with particularly great looks. Why does work? It works because girls notice if a guy has a wrinkled shirt that looks like something he slept in the night before and prefer the guy who looks clean. So, always be aware of the in things to wear so that you won’t seem out of fashion.

The second tip on getting girls to like you is to develop a great personality. This requires that you send across the idea that you are a great person to talk to and hang around with. For this tip, you should remember to hold your shoulders back, keep your head high, and manage your hand movements. In the same way that your trendy clothes create an impact on the ladies, your body language also does as much. Thus, always make a point of keeping your body language positive, not negative.

The third effective way of getting girls to like you is to stand out from the crowd. This means that even from the very minute that you step inside the bar, you manage to convey authority. You can achieve this by being the man whom almost everyone knows in the bar; thus, you have to be friendly with everyone, even with the bartender and the waiters. When the girls see you as “the” man, your image is elevated a notch higher in their eyes. This is good for you as girls instinctively search for the alpha male.

This leads us to the fourth effective way of how to get girls to like you: pick a good opener. Yes, this is the next part as the first three ways have already paved the way for this tip. Yes, the girls have seen that you look great, you have positive body language, and you are in authority. The next thing they want to find out is whether you sound as interesting as you look. Thus, always assess the situation involving you and the ladies and base your pickup line on the whole scenario.

To summarize, getting the kind of attention you want from the girls is not such a hard thing to do. In fact, it is quite attainable, if you know the tips and you carry them to completion. Thus, when you want the girls to notice you, you have to do four things: wear clean and trendy clothes, have positive body language, be a guy in authority, and use a great and interesting pickup line. Of course, you have to choose a pickup line that fits the situation that you and the girls are in. If you follow all these tips by heart, you can be sure that you will succeed in getting the girls to like you all the time.

Here’s a website that I think you’ll enjoy: how to talk to girls or saving relationship

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