Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Pardon Our Appearance…

Folks, as some of you noticed this morning, a change to the Tech Trader home page went live, and was not to everyone’s liking, including yours truly.

We’ve returned more or less to the original format. Some stories past a certain length will have a jump to the full story. That’s probably not going to satisfy some people, but I hope that over time an appropriate balance will be struck between the ease with which one can skim the day’s posts, and the ease with which people can quickly browse from headline to headline without having to endure a wall of text.

We’re also starting to institute tags, as you can see along the left-side margin of this page, near the top of each post. I’m on the fence about the utility of tags, so I welcome your feedback. As this initiative is just getting started, most of the tags will initially link to nothing at all. Believe it or not, this is a by-hand, Web 1.0 kind of affair. Your patience is appreciated.

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